16 August 2013

TGIF / 30

Well hello there! Another week down for the count. It's kind of hard to believe that August is already halfway over. I mean, where did the time go? I wasn't able to read as much as planned to this week, but at least I've managed to get back to a more regular posting schedule. I gushed over Game of Thrones and discussed my my favourite sidekicks, so yeah, it's a work in progress.

In the meantime, here's your weekly dose of internet goodies to mull over on this beautiful day. Also, I will announce the winner of my blogoversary giveaway on Sunday, so stay tuned! Happy reading!

These animated book covers have become my newest obsession.

So this is what it's like being an author: reality vs expectations.

Apparently even Stephenie Meyer is over Twilight

This is the definitive guide to bookstores you need to see before you die

Shit booksnobs say is hilarious!

Random House is planning to publish Ron Burgundy's memoir. Hey everybody! Come check out this book!

Are you a Netflix subscriber? Well, here are some hidden gems to watch.

This is the REAL story behind Orange Is The New Black's, Piper Kerman.

What do you get when you mix Flight of the Conchords + Labyrinth + The Princess Bride and The Muppets? A musical of amazingness, that's what.

Apparently, word on the street is that Divergent is a "cost-effective" film, whatever that means.

Famous movie moments that were actually improv.

If Disney Princesses had Instagram, all would be right in the world.

Star Wars speed-dating has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

This gorgeous map of Westeros and this seriously tragic Ninja Turtles art need to make their way into my home, STAT!

There is a Netflix-style rental service for LEGO sets and OMG I need this in my life!


  1. I want to visit every single one of those bookstores!!!! WOW! And the animated young adult books were awesome. Great list this week. :)

    1. Thanks, Kay! I love those animated book covers, so cool!

  2. Happy weekend! Thanks for the netflix hidden gems...I'm always searching for new goodies on there. I watched The Gift last night, it was pretty good.
    Did you hear Stephenie Meyer produced Austenland? Hmmf....I'm not too sure about watching that now...lol.
    and lol about Shit Book Snobs Say!

    1. I'll have to check that one out, admittedly, I've only seen a few of those gems.

      Wait, wait... she actually produced Austenland? At least that's something she can be proud of, haha.


You stay classy now! And thanks for stopping by. But mostly stay classy.

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